Results The main clinical symptom of isolated sphenoid sinus disease was headache, and the nasal symptom was rarely typical. 结果蝶窦病变最主要的临床症状为头痛,鼻部症状并不典型。
· Allergy, sinus, and headache medication, especial-ly during the various pollen seasons. ·治疗过敏、鼻窦炎和头痛的药物,特别是在各种花粉季节。
Conclusion Sphenoidal sinus mucocele with intracranial extension is characterized by persistent headache, cranial nerve palsies, and vision loss. 结论侵及颅内的蝶窦粘液囊肿常表现为持续性头痛、脑神经麻痹和不同程度的视力下降,其中持续性头痛是最常见症状;
Paranasal sinus pathologies in patients presenting with headache as the primary symptom 以头痛为原发症状患者鼻窦的病理学改变